Friday, February 11, 2011

Ltt Leather Cleaner Australia

Project "THE PAST IS NOT ALONE - THE PAST IS NOT 'ONLY' this time concerns the discovery of a fresco of 1600 is still partially hidden in access to new headquarters in the heart of Bedsinart of the English Quarter.
discovery that gave birth to the needs of its recovery and restoration.
With the help of friends and small donors sharing the importance of history (collective heritage and identity) will be able to complete the undertaking.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

I Punched Somebody In The Face Now My Hand Hurts

Henry Pessa at Beds-in-Art December 2010 - between the projects in 2011 in preparation for his retrospective.
(photo Antonio Sacco)

Henry Pessa with John Lennon and Yoko Ono
(exclusive photos for their first Bed-In Henry SSPE)

Saturday, January 1, 2011

How To Change The Combination On A Tsa Lock

"GENETIC Armageddon

entropic self-destructive phase of the Kali Yuga.
The subversion, ritual and philosophy of the crime of murder are the weapons of the imperial capital for sanctifying profit.
Triads of weapons, drugs and oil corporations are the genetic basis of greed. The clan of brother priests of "SION" manages the finance market and culture, the brothers blacks "Jesus" to weapons and drugs;'s "Ishmael" that of oil and opium. Three confessions one god money. same bands of banks, the same robbery of private profit and public debt. These three agencies are the criminals of the prison warders, human aristocracy of predatory debt collectors. The few who dominate the secular masses.
Fascism technocratic, services and company battered state of the consumer goes to the culmination of their evolution-Masonic mafia, forcing us to a life increasingly precarious and self-destructive slave, where the law is "oval", for all becomes impossible to defend the institutional crime. The "kings of fear" the "common danger" and "state of emergency" use the entropic disorder and chaos communication to inhibit our vitality and eliminate all forms of critical context. The most destructive ever conceived plot to control the human race is under way and at its peak.

Using sounds, electro of cerevello, radio waves and waveforms of varying frequency, trigger in the center of the will and conscience of the precise chemical responses that result in fear, depression and self-destructiveness. Phosphorus, napalm, uranium and all the poisons of humanitarian wars ravaging in an irreversible way to the world population. But the smart weapons back to the sender.
Nature will take us into account direttamnte poisoned at the dinner table. An eye for an eye ... all blind.

imperial capital and total destruction.

The systematic destruction of our skies, began in 1987 with Edward Teller on the proposed international conference on environmental emergencies, the proposal was to add fuel to the jet's line of aluminum oxide, thus blocking the ' 1% of the ultraviolet radiation of the sun and limit the global temperature increase. This proposal in defense of the biosphere in fact was the largest criminal purpose control population, because in reality, these nano particles of heavy metals should have become a common transponder air, water and biological cycles in all, an antenna for all life. In 1990, the U.S. Department of Defense begins Project HAARP the most advanced military technology of weapons to radio waves. Officially a program of research on the ionosphere and radio transmission technologies, in fact, the most devilish plan molecular modification of the ionosphere, which will have devastating consequences on the climate, also the waves reflected on the Earth's surface because of their intensity and ability to penetrate are able to manipulate and disrupt human mental processes. Firing a large amount of particles in the ionosphere affect the balance of the protective ground, causing a chaotic unstable, dissonant not predict with certainty how the earth will react to this radioactive bombing .
One of the peculiarities of our brains is that it is very sensitive to any device that emits waves of frequency, it tends to automatically tune with the external signal. One hundred years after the first research of Nicola Tesla's resonance properties of the earth and air, and after having concealed and removed from the texts of physics everything to do with Schumann resonance, and the plasma energy, the U.S. military began to use these discoveries for strictly military purposes. Twenty years after the start of this program, the delivery of millions of tons of chemical agents has devastated our biosphere, damaged the ozone layer already altered by more than five million of annual jet flights at high altitude and launch in orbit space rockets.
Increased exposure to UV radiation decreases photosynthesis in plants reduces the size and production of all vegetable crops, and the destruction of ocean plankton, which provides the most oxygen to the planet, thus upsetting the whole carbon cycle on earth, a catastrophic collapse of all forms of life. Since 1997, these experiments not only failed to contain the rise in temperature, but changed the atmosphere and its weather patterns, resulting in an increase in storms and hurricanes, melting ice caps, cycles of drought and other manifestations of environmental degradation.
One of the most striking aspects is the exponential growth of such collapses. This unexpected acceleration of the phenomena are all scientists agree the world, a huge project of geo-engineering was built on bad science, indifferent to the health of life on the planet.
Who authorizes the flight of these air tankers over our heads?
What political authorities have decided to endanger our lives?
Which domain logic is behind this project, environmental control and mental health?
The Court of Auditors in its annual budget of the Italian Republic in 2010 has allocated over € 500 million for expenses secreted.
This would be the cost paid for the chemical sprays. Our governments can not evade a debate on issues of such importance on the fate of our species, we want more services and less secret.
controlling the various parameters of the electromagnetic field by manipulating frequency, waveform, and pulse rate, can produce an electro-anesthesia, and being secret programs we can not exclude a purely military use, a ECT Global able to completely stop the mental and physical functioning, such as a discharge of one hundred milliamperes through the myocardium, may cause cardiac arrest and death. A frequency of 10.80 Hz provokes violent behavior, and 6.60 Hz invariably causes depression and fatigue of the exposed individual, the frequency of 3.5 Hz results in cancer formation and frequencies mixed between 17 and 70 Hz cause biological imbalances extremely harmful.
The potential applications of artificial magnetic fields, is a weapon system that operates at the speed of light, then the psychotronic weapon is silent, invisible and difficult to detect, and requires only a human operator, which chooses the bullet and the intensity level of this destructive. The central nervous system, as the globe is subjected to a natural electromagnetic environment, in which the resonant frequency of the ionosphere is almost identical to that of the human brain. The frequency of the ionosphere is so perfect a carrier wave, from which you can reach the brain without changing frequency. And 'this link between the electromagnetic sphere of the earth and the resonance frequency of the brain at the core of the new weapons invisible. All that Nicola Tesla designed to provide power and communications to each individual at no cost, has been transformed into "inhuman weapons".

affirm with certainty that the main purpose of the HAARP project is of a Militalia
this weapon system is focused on the conductivity of metals released into the atmosphere by chemtrail
is interface with particle accelerators, underground laboratories.
Its purposes are multiple and interrelated:
mind control the population, weapons airwaves. L a change of weather,
weapons conditions. The the blocking communications over wide areas, tactical weapons.
E explosion radians above and below the earth's crust, geomagnetic weapons.

Handle consciousness and human will, directly affects the functions glands and hormones, is the largest project of enslavement of the species. More terror will grow over the situation than decrease the ability to react.
psychotronic weapons have the effect of reducing the electronegativity and symmetry in men, thereby preventing the absorption of energy from the cosmos (protons). This contraction vital induces depression, anxiety, fear and a passive acceptance of chaos. artificial clouds of aluminum, barium , silica, nano particles to ultra conductivity invade our biosphere radio controlled turning us into slaves. Political fantasy and harsh reality, nightmares or conspiracy ruthless eugenics policy.
oppose this imperial deception of Nazi Satanists others br br icks America Sumerian.
identify the perpetrators and the shadow of powerful groups that lead this evil plan.
We ask doctors, teachers, scientists, judges and military and civilian Air Force official to speak publicly about the reality and danger of inhumane weapons, the meaning of peace and war, the effects devastating immediate and long-term nuclear weapons and radio waves on humans and the natural environment.
health and quality of life is the goal of all living beings, the well-being and health no one should be excluded, is a right for all not just the few. Our planet is now seriously compromised complex biological entity in its vitality, any delay in its defense can lead to our self-destruction, the point of no return has been exceeded, air and water to save our children.

cosmic consensus