Friday, August 1, 2008

Adult Theaters Orange County

So, here's how to stay in touch with us:
The phone number to call is +881 651 495364 (or 00881 651 495 364). The cost is around € 2.3-2.5 per minute, connection charge about 30 cents. It 's the number of Iridium satellite phone, the one which has the maximum coverage available today in the Grand Canyon from a satellite network. This does not mean that we will ever be reached, however, mean that we will keep your phone switched on from 7:30 to 8:00 am local time, ie from 16:30 to 17:00 in Italy. The service is not guaranteed because we might be in areas not covered or have no time to be near the phone, whose antenna must always be pointed toward the sky. E 'therefore strongly recommended that you use the SMS service so that we get your message as soon as the phone will be able to pick up the signal.
To send a text message go to this site:
or on and click on "send a satellite message "at the top right. Send
is very simple. Complete the phone number (there is 8816, you add 51495364 and then write the text, max 160 characters)
Sending SMS is free, but we can not get more ' 150 messages during the 16 days that used this service when really necessary. If the phone is on, we will receive the SMS SURELY within 1 minute. If the phone is off, SURELY receive the SMS when the phone will be able to connect to the satellite network. THIS IS 'THE SHAPE OF COMMUNICATION IN ME MORE' SAFE. Moreover, given that I intend to switch the phone to check if there are text messages between 19 and 20 local time, ie around 4-5 at night in Italy, so if we need to call even when it is night in Italy.
Remember, the phone is for emergencies or for the really important things.


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